Iliana Taliotis

PR & project management | Art, design, craft & culture

Ikaria and life in the Blue Zone

Iliana Taliotis

' in Ikaria, we do not try to add years to our life. Instead we add life to our years. We make the most of every day.'

Earlier this month I treated myself to a new book about the very special Greek Island of Ikaria by Meni Valle.

I have been fascinated by Ikaria for years. The island is part of the Blue Zone and is known worldwide for its inhabitants’ longevity -  thanks mainly to the plant-based diet on the island, and a simple and happy way of life.

The book is beautifully crafted and really uplifting - full of wonderful images, recipes and stories about the Ikarian community and its traditions.

I find it so inspiring to learn more about Ikaria, especially while navigating life in London during the pandemic. I dream of the day when I can visit the island for myself, but in the meantime I will try and be a bit more Ikarian in my approach to life.

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